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Chapter 4: Marketing Tools: Where to Advertise?

A.  Warming Up



Think, Speak Up, and Do It (ThiSuDo)

ü  Can you add any distribution channels below? Which channels do you usually use? Why?



B.    Reading Text

Reading Comprehension

Instruction: Read the following text silently and loudly!

 Marketing a product or service in the current digital marketing era has challenges. But, it also presents promising opportunities. It is said to have challenges because the changes in marketing trends are accelerating. A businessman must always be prepared to face changes, especially in how consumer behavior works. This challenge, of course, presents new opportunities for the one who can adapt fastly. For that, we need the right marketing tools. With the right marketing tools, we can do many things that can be done to increase not only sales but also build a brand so that consumers always remember its existence.

Marketing tools are tools that companies use to develop and promote their products and services. In this context, the word ‘tools‘ refers to techniques, strategies, and materials. In most cases, people use multiple marketing tools at the same time. Businessmen use various marketing tools to communicate company information, stimulate customer interest and motivate action to take decisions. An integrated marketing approach applies several tactics to engage customers and build a business.”

Types of marketing tools

Below are some marketing tools with an explanation of what they are and why businesses use them.

Classified adverts

Classified adverts or classified ads help generate potential customers. Classified ads can direct people to a specific website or webpage. They can also attract people who seek further information.

Social media

In Internet marketing, social media is a marketing tool where we try to develop an interactive online relationship with consumers. Blogging, posting, sharing, and tweeting are popular social media marketing tools.

Internet marketing refers to marketing that only occurs online, such as Search engine optimization (SEO). Search engine optimization refers to techniques to increase people's website's appearance on search engines. There are several ways to improve our SEO. One of the first steps is to secure a reliable and simple domain name that is relevant to our site, industry, or keywords we want to match for.


Surveys help determine which products to create and improve or upgrade existing products. Besides, surveys are also helpful if we want to rate our and our rivals' products. Surveys can be done face-to-face, on the telephone, online, etc. These tools can ask a representative sample of consumers what they like about our and our competitors' products.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is beneficial if we have an online business and operate a website. It gives us an overview of where our visitors are coming from. It also tells us what type of people are visiting and which content on our website performs best. We can also use Google Analytics to work out visitor conversions. Of course, this data will help us set up conversion goals.

Media Monitoring Tools

These marketing tools scan the web and inform us of conversations relevant to our company, product, or brand. These tools scan, for example, social media sites, forums, blogs, and videos.

Media monitoring lets us discover what people are saying about us online, so we can jump in and respond or react to conversations, decrease the spread of negative information, and even help increase awareness of our product, service, or organization."


Automation tools are marketing tools that save a lot of time. Marketers can save time wasted doing those daily tasks like saving files and emails to spreadsheets. Some devices allow us to create chains of applets that work with Facebook, Twitter, Fitbit, Google Drive, and Gmail.



  1. Group 3_20 marketing tools
    FATWAH CHOLIS [21642001]
    JUMARNI [21642005]

  2. Catatan Tugas Perkelompok Pertemuan ke 13:
    Group 1: Nurmila, Khadafi
    Task: 10 questions of reading text (with answers)

    Group 2: Rahmatullah, Muh Aldi, Nurmaulana
    Task 2: 20 vocabularies of reading text (with pronunciation and definitions)

    Group 3: Fatwah Cholis, Jumarni
    Task 3: 20 marketing tools (with explanations)

  3. Group 1_10 questions_
    Nur Khadafi [21642002]
    Nurmila Awantika[21642003]

  4. Group 2_ 20 kosakata
    Rahmatullah hamka [21642004
    Aldi Adriawan [21642006]
    Nurmaulana Indra [21642007]


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