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9 stages to be a Good Writer

Reading Practice

Instruction: Read the following reading text silently and loudly!

At first, writing a book is an easy job that can be completed simply by writing from home without requiring more energy and effort than completing work in the field. But have you ever tried to start writing a book?


When one is struggling in the world of writing, everything is not as simple as people think. You will find that writing a book requires excellent thinking and great motivation. Why? Because in the process of completing the book, many obstacles will be faced.

When people want to try writing a book, they don't know how to start. Some have begun writing books but run out of ideas in the middle of their writing journey. Then, they are confused about how to proceed. The other may have written, but they have to stop and turn away from the original plan because of other activities.

Here are some strategies to write a book quickly and efficiently so that your dream of becoming a successful book writer soon becomes a reality.


1. Choose ideas and concepts according to your expertise and passion

Choosing a concept according to your expertise and passion will flow ideas smoothly. Why? Because this concept is close to our life. Sharing experiences, work, and hobbies are certainly not difficult for us.


2. Considering the target audience

Remember that readers can accept not all ideas and concepts that match our expertise and passion. So, after recognizing our area of ​​expertise and passion, it is also crucial to pay attention to the target audience and market conditions before starting to write. Then, choose a topic that can benefit many people.


3. Prepare an Outline of Book Content

The outline/framework of the book can develop into a table of contents. So it is crucial to make an overview of the book's main points that we will compile. This book content plan or outline is essential to guide us when we are in the process of writing a book. And it also helps when we are stuck in writing because we can jump to another section to refresh our minds. But we already have an overview of the contents of the book. So we are getting more accessible and more focused in the process of writing the book.


4. Complete Book Writing Support Materials

Before starting to write, it's good to do research and collect materials to support the book's content. Reference materials can be through the internet, interviewing sources, reading books, discussing, focus group discussions, and brainstorming. It is done to maintain the quality of our writing. The data will then be grouped into chapters or tables of contents that have been compiled to make it easier and more systematic.


5. Put all your thoughts into the script

Combine previously found knowledge, experience, and external supporting materials to form a piece of writing into a predetermined concept and idea. Then, free your mind from writing whatever you want to write. At this stage, avoid over-editing until the concept is complete.


6. Setting a Target Time for Writing a Book with a TimeLine

Setting a target time for writing a book is vital to maintain consistency, commitment, and passion. In addition, making a timeline will help us write more directed, measurably, and systematically so that the writing process is effective and efficient.


7. Keeping drafts of writing on the track

Write according to the outline that has been made. However, two possibilities can occur in the writing process: our ideas develop or get stuck. If you are stuck because of something, then we can jump to another section or chapter that can be done first. While completing the data and other materials to continue the previous-pending writing.


8. Keep Learning and Practice Often

The more we practice writing books, the more skilled we will be in solving the obstacles in writing, and the more we will become experts in writing and making books.


9. Publish Your Books

If your book is ready to be published, look for a Book Publisher willing to work together to publish your books with a mutually beneficial profit/royalty sharing..

Adapted from 

Conversation Practice
Instruction: Answer the following question and practice with your friends!

  1. What is publishing?
  2. What is a publisher?
  3. Explain the history of publishing!
  4. who invented the actual movable machine type in the history of publishing?
  5. Mention some products of publishing!

Pronunciation Practice

Instruction: Pronounce the following words and understanding the meaning!


List of Difficult Words

























ˈflī ər



















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